Paragon Care - where you live.
Our comprehensive in-home team pairs a clinician and care manager to support youth and families with behavioral health support to avoid out-of-home placements, emergency department utilization, and in-patient levels of care.

Treatment is customized for the whole family to address individual needs and overall family functioning. Paragon's approach is based on trauma-informed principles and addresses mental health, substance abuse, relational skills, and basic needs of the family.
Program Goals:
• Increase the skills for health communication and improved regulatory skills of each individual family member to support family wellness.
• Reduce symptoms associated with emotional/mental health concerns, substance use, and trauma symptoms.
• Increase access to basic needs like benefits, food, employment, safe housing, and quality childcare.
• Increase the social support for individuals in the family to include parenting, recovery and peer support
• Improve family functioning and healthy relationships.
Paragon's Intensive In-Home teams operate in the following Colorado counties:
Archuleta, Garfield, La Plata, Pitkin, Summit
Denver Metro - Adams, Arapahoe, Boulder, Broomfield, Denver, Elbert, Jefferson